According to Achilles Byaruhanga, the executive director of Nature Uganda, the scientists also confirmed species that were the first encountered in Uganda in 2012.

Bird watchers coming to Uganda are getting more than what they bargain for. This follows the confirmation of 10 new bird species sighted within the last four years.
According to Achilles Byaruhanga, the executive director of Nature Uganda, the scientists also confirmed a species that was first encountered in Uganda in 2012.
Byaruhanga said that the ardent bird watchers also known as birders keep on encountering birds they have not seen before every year. “We keep on adding new species nearly every year,” he said.
He added that the scientists’ reports on the new species have to be reviewed by their peers and the committee of eminent ornithologists based in East Africa.
Professor Derrick Pomeroy of Makerere University who has trained most of the Ugandan ornithologists is one of the eminent persons sitting on the East African committee that confirmed the new bird species.
Speaking ahead of the Big Birding Day at the Uganda Museum on Thursday. Byaruhanga yesterday listed the discoveries over the years to include: new sightings in 2012.
Lake Mburo National Park: Crested Barbet was also known as Trachyphonus Vaillantii

New sightings in 2016
Murchison Falls National Park: Red-fronted parrot also known as Poicephalus Guliemi
Tiny Cisticola
Queen’s Elizabeth National Park: Steppe Gull is also known as Larus Barabensis a migrant from Russia in the northern hemisphere
In Karamoja
Purple Grenadier (Uragaethus Ianthinogaster)
The Blue-capped Cordon bleu also known as Uragaethus Cynocepharus
Sighted in 2017 in Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve in Hoima
The bird watchers also encountered Blue Cuckoo Shrike also known as Coracina Azure
Blue-Headed bee-eater also known as Merops Mueller and Eurasian Sparrow Hawk is also known as Accipiter nisus

In 2018, bird watchers encountered Black Collared Barbet also known as Lybius Torquatus in Lake Mburo National Park
Species-rich, big tourism potential
Byaruhanga said a bird watcher spends up to $7,000 (sh26m) and that Uganda should not only promote gorillas but also bird watching.

Over one million birds particularly, the white-winged black terns escape the chilly winter conditions in Europe in October and return in March-April.
POSTE By: AmpSoft IT Solutions